2D transformation matrices

By Martin McBride, 2024-01-07
Tags: matrix matrix algebra transformation cofactor inverse matrix
Categories: matrices

A matrix can be used to describe or calculate transformations in 2 dimensions.

It can be used to describe any affine transformation. This includes scaling, rotating, translating, skewing, or any combination of those transformations.

Most 2-dimensional transformations can be specified by a simple 2 by 2 square matrix, but for any transformation that includes an element of translation, a 3 by 3 matrix is required.

Applying a matrix transformation

If we have a 2 by 2 matrix:

Matrix transformation

If we multiply this matrix by a column vector we get another column vector:

Matrix transformation

The elements of the new vector are formed from a linear combination of the elements of the original vector.

Notice that, by convention, we multiply the vector by the matrix, rather than the other way round. This is useful when we want to apply a combination of 2 or more transformations. It allows us to multiply the matrices together to create a single transformation matrix.

Scaling transformations

A scaling transformation uses the following matrix:

Matrix scale

Here is the effect it has on a vector:

Matrix scale

If we take a unit square and apply this transform to each of its vertices, we get the new shape on the right. We have used an s value of 2, which scales the shape by a factor of 2:

Matrix scale

This transform scales everything out from the origin, in other words, it has the centre of enlargement of (0, 0).

A stretch transform scales the shape in one dimension only. Here is the matrix transformation:

Matrix stretch

This stretches the square in the x-direction:

Matrix stretch

A stretch in the y-direction could be achieved by swapping the 1 and s.

Finally, a squeeze transform scales the shape by s in one dimension only, and by 1/s in the other dimension. Here is the squeeze matrix:

Matrix squeeze

Here is the effect:

Matrix squeeze

A squeeze transformation preserves area. When a squeeze matrix is applied, the width is multiplied by s and height by 1/s so the area of the shape is unchanged.


A rotation transformation uses the following matrix:

Matrix rotation

Here is the effect it has on a vector:

Matrix rotation

This has the effect of rotating the shape by an angle of θ (30 degrees in this case):

Matrix rotation

This transform rotates the shape counterclockwise about the origin. That is, it has its centre of rotation of (0, 0). To rotate clockwise, of course, we simply use a negative angle.


A shear transformation has the effect of slanting the shape. This matrix shears horizontally:

Matrix shear

Here is the effect it has on a vector:

Matrix shear

This has the effect of shearing the shape:

Matrix shear

It is also possible to shear a shape vertically, using this matrix:

Matrix shear

Here is the result:

Matrix shear


Mirroring a shape across the y-axis can be thought of as being a bit like stretching it in the x-direction, but with a stretch factor of -1:

Matrix mirror

Here is the result:

Matrix mirror

It is possible to mirror across the y-axis in a similar way.


Translating a shape means moving it to a different position, without changing its shape or orientation in any way. This diagram illustrates a translation by (1, 2). The square moves by 1 unit in the x-direction and 2 units in the y-direction:

Matrix translate

We can represent this by adding 2 vectors, the original position (x, y) and a displacement vector (u, v):

Matrix translate

But this isn't ideal. In all the other cases, we used matrix multiplication to represent the transform. It is a bit inconvenient to have to use a different calculation for translation. And in a future article, we will see that we can combine multiple transforms into a single matrix. To do that, we need a consistent way to represent all transformations.

It turns out that we can do this by using a 3 by 3 matrix. We extend our transformation matrix by adding an extra column to the right, containing the transformation values u and v. To keep the matrix square, we add an extra row that always contains 0, 0, 1:

Matrix translate

We also need to extend our position vector to be 3 elements long. We do this by adding an extra row element that is always equal to 1.

Matrix translate

For a translation formula, we set the a, b, c, d values to a unit matrix, and set the u, v elements to contain the translation values. When we apply this matrix to a position vector we do indeed get a translation:

Matrix translate

You can verify this by performing a matrix multiplication by hand (or you could use an online matrix calculator) if you wish. The third element of the transformed vector will always be 1 and is discarded after the calculation to leave us with a 2-vector result.

The useful thing about this is that it works for the other transformations too. Let's try it with the squeeze transformation form before. This time we set u and v to 0 because there is no translation:

Matrix translate

This form works for all transformations and in a later article, we will see how it allows us to combine several transformations into one matrix.

See also

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