Module generativepy.table
class Table (ctx, position)
Draw a table.
A table has rows and columns with customisable width and height. The table can return the coordinates of the centre point of any cell, allowing text or other items to be positioned there.
Initialise the table layout.
- (number, number) - The (x, y) position of the top left corner of the table
- Pycairo drawing context - The context to draw on.
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class Table: ''' Draw a table. A table has rows and columns with customisable width and height. The table can return the coordinates of the centre point of any cell, allowing text or other items to be positioned there. ''' def __init__(self, ctx, position): """ Initialise the table layout. Args: position: (number, number) - The (x, y) position of the top left corner of the table ctx: Pycairo drawing context - The context to draw on. Returns: self """ self.ctx = ctx self.appearance = TableAppearance() self.table_layout = TableLayout(position) def of_rows_cols(self, rows, cols): """ Set the size and number of rows and columns Args: rows: list of numbers - A list of the height of each row in user space units. The length of the list controls the number of rows. cols: list of numbers - A list of the width of each column in user space units. The length of the list controls the number of columns. Returns: self """ self.table_layout.of_rows_cols(rows, cols) return self def background(self, pattern): ''' Sets the entire table background Args: `pattern`: the fill `Pattern` or `Color` to use. Returns: self ''' self.appearance.background = FillParameters(pattern) return self def linestyle(self, pattern=Color(0), line_width=None, dash=None, cap=None, join=None, miter_limit=None): ''' Sets the line style of the whole table Args: pattern: the fill Pattern or Color to use for the outline, None for default line_width: width of stroke line. None for default dash: sequence, dash patter of line. None for default cap: line end style, None for default. join: line join style, None for default. miter_limit: mitre limit, number, None for default Returns: self ''' self.appearance.lines = StrokeParameters(pattern, line_width, dash, cap, join, miter_limit) return self def draw(self): ''' Draw the table on the supplied context. This only draws the table itself. The contents must be drawn separately. ''' width = sum(self.table_layout.cols) height = sum(self.table_layout.rows) self.ctx.new_path() self.appearance.background.apply(self.ctx) self.ctx.rectangle(self.table_layout.position[0], self.table_layout.position[1], width, height) self.ctx.fill_preserve() self.appearance.lines.apply(self.ctx) self.ctx.stroke() for i in range(len(self.table_layout.row_pos) - 1): self.ctx.move_to(self.table_layout.position[0], self.table_layout.position[1]+self.table_layout.row_pos[i]) self.ctx.line_to(self.table_layout.position[0]+width , self.table_layout.position[1]+self.table_layout.row_pos[i]) self.ctx.stroke() for i in range(len(self.table_layout.col_pos) - 1): self.ctx.move_to(self.table_layout.position[0]+self.table_layout.col_pos[i], self.table_layout.position[1]) self.ctx.line_to(self.table_layout.position[0]+self.table_layout.col_pos[i], self.table_layout.position[1]+height) self.ctx.stroke() def get(self, row, col): """ Get the position of the centre of cell (row, col) Args: row: int - Row number. col: int - Column number. Returns: (x, y) position of the centre of the cell. """ return self.table_layout.get(row, col)
def background(self, pattern)
Sets the entire table background
: the fillPattern
to use.Returns
def draw(self)
Draw the table on the supplied context. This only draws the table itself. The contents must be drawn separately.
def get(self, row, col)
Get the position of the centre of cell (row, col)
- int - Row number.
- int - Column number.
(x, y) position of the centre of the cell.
def linestyle(self, pattern=<generativepy.color.Color object>, line_width=None, dash=None, cap=None, join=None, miter_limit=None)
Sets the line style of the whole table
- the fill Pattern or Color to use for the outline, None for default
- width of stroke line. None for default
- sequence, dash patter of line. None for default
- line end style, None for default.
- line join style, None for default.
- mitre limit, number, None for default
def of_rows_cols(self, rows, cols)
Set the size and number of rows and columns
- list of numbers - A list of the height of each row in user space units. The length of the list controls the number of rows.
- list of numbers - A list of the width of each column in user space units. The length of the list controls the number of columns.
class TableAppearance
Parameters that control the appearance of the table.
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@dataclass class TableAppearance: ''' Parameters that control the appearance of the table. ''' background = FillParameters(Color(1)) lines = StrokeParameters(Color(0), line_width=2, cap=BUTT)
Class variables
var background
var lines
class TableLayout (position)
Table layout can be used to layout other elements in a grid, without drawing the table. Doesn't require a ctx.
Initialise the table layout.
- (number, number) - The (x, y) position of the top left corner of the table
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class TableLayout(): """ Table layout can be used to layout other elements in a grid, without drawing the table. Doesn't require a ctx. """ def __init__(self, position): """ Initialise the table layout. Args: position: (number, number) - The (x, y) position of the top left corner of the table Returns: self """ self.position = position self.rows = [100] self.cols = [100] self.row_pos = [0, 100] self.col_pos = [0, 100] def of_rows_cols(self, rows, cols): """ Set the size and number of rows and columns Args: rows: list of numbers - A list of the height of each row in user space units. The length of the list controls the number of rows. cols: list of numbers - A list of the width of each column in user space units. The length of the list controls the number of columns. Returns: self """ self.rows = rows self.cols = cols self.row_pos = [0] + list(np.cumsum(self.rows)) self.col_pos = [0] + list(np.cumsum(self.cols)) return self def get(self, row, col): """ Get the position of the centre of cell (row, col) Args: row: int - Row number. col: int - Column number. Returns: (x, y) position of the centre of the cell. """ return self.position[0]+(self.col_pos[col]+self.col_pos[col+1])/2, self.position[1]+(self.row_pos[row]+self.row_pos[row+1])/2
def get(self, row, col)
Get the position of the centre of cell (row, col)
- int - Row number.
- int - Column number.
(x, y) position of the centre of the cell.
def of_rows_cols(self, rows, cols)
Set the size and number of rows and columns
- list of numbers - A list of the height of each row in user space units. The length of the list controls the number of rows.
- list of numbers - A list of the width of each column in user space units. The length of the list controls the number of columns.